WDLC Stands in Solidarity with Asian Community

April 11, 2021

WDLC Stands in Solidarity with Asian Community Following Vander Doelen’s Racist Comments

Sadly, Asian hate and racism is on the rise around the world. And now in our very own community, an elected official, Essex Councillor Chris Vander Doelen, has made Asian racist comments . 

Although a community would hope none of its citizens would engage in such behaviour, it would certainly expect that an elected official should have the highest standard of behaviour. Counsellor Vander Doelen knows the power of words from his days in journalism.

The Windsor & District Labour Council finds Councillor Vander Doelen’s racist comments reprehensible. 

We stand in Solidarity with the Asian community of Windsor-Essex. We are reaching out to their leadership to articulate our support, and to ask how we can help during this difficult time.

For further Information Contact:  Brian Hogan, WDLC President 226-348-7597 or bhoganoecta@gmail.com

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